"These are the women you've been hoping all your adult life to connect with.
If you crave community, creativity, caring and honesty, if you love to be in nature, if you feel slightly 'other' in this consumerist world, these people are your sisters. They will laugh and cry with you, never judge, and always inspire. If you're unsure, I'd say take a leap of faith. Wild Women Retreats has been such a source of good in my life since my first bold step."
"The constant gift I receive from each wild women retreat that I attend is a safe, loving space, gently held but with strong boundaries. In this space I am free to explore deeply, play, laugh, dance and make beautiful, authentic connnections with other women, known and yet to be known.
On the retreat this year, at Selgars Mill I walked the earth under the stars, to the sound of spirit drums. I filled my heart with more connections. I connected with my ancestors and the beings of this land, hand in hand in silence, until the fire was lit and our voices soared to the heavens in release and affirmation of new intentions."
"Dear Wild Women, Dear Wild Sisters, l came back from Selgars 'Coming Home' retreat and felt full of the deep impact those days had had on me. I'll give it a week or two to process, l thought, and then I'll share my responses and feelings and gratitude.
Hm! Better late than never!
I felt safe and accepted and seen and heard - in the arms, in the company, of women - as we explored ideas and feelings and created together. Our weaknesses and fears, our pain and hurt - were heard and held by each other. Our beauty and strength, our creative energy and passions had the space and support - the love - to flourish. It was wonderful! - and keeps nourishing me as the year turns.
Thank you to all the glorious women who were there and thank you to the Wild Women core group for your care and vision and hard work.
ps l loved the venue - inside and out - beautiful space of land, trees and water - to be together in, and alone.
pps and l LOVED the food."
" Wild women retreats always feels like home to me. Everyone is always so welcome, loved and cherished and that’s what is so special about wild women. I always feel so safe to be myself. The events are always beautifully organised and run with thought and care. Selgars was a beautiful place a true getaway from everyday life. I always learn so much about myself, too much to mention in a testimonial. I always come away from a retreat feeling so loved, nourished, not wanting to leave and my heart always full.
Wild women is so special to me and like the family I never had. I’ve met so many amazing women whom are now friends for life. Wild women retreats have changed my life in empowering me and helping me become more confident. I always feel so seen, heard, held and validated. The retreats have been a massive part of my healing journey and I know will continue to do in the years to come. I can’t thank them all enough."
"I thank you all for the circle of connection and safety to allow my wings to fly a little. Thank you earth mothers for creating a very special gathering."
"Thank you all for sharing your stories and for the whole team for putting it all so beautifully together. I felt like all the workshops were designed for exactly what I was needing, yearning and crying out for . Thank you for those powerful nurturing, healing, wholesome experiences. I’ve never cried so much and laughed so much in my life. I want to bottle it up and never let it go".
“Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and saw the face of a WILD WOMAN….. long may it last ! Thank you so much everyone for love and hugs, laughing and fun – and just everything . It will stay with me.”
"It was wonderful and quite difficult to put into words. A safe space of creativity, spirituality and friendship. Freedom to participate as much or as little as you like, wonderful leadership from experienced wise wild women. It was educational and emotional and lots of fun. THANK YOU the experience has been literally life changing in how much I felt able to be myself and value myself – I will continue to carry it with me.”
“Yet again the team brought together opportunities for deep soul connection, laughter, crafting, ceremony and space for quiet reflection in a place of beauty and nourishment. Sheer genius.”
“Wild Women Retreats has been amazing and life changing for me. Right from the start I’ve felt supported, held and heard and made lifelong friends and Sisters.”
“Total love, total peace, totally amazing, filled my heart and soul.”
“So thankful for the strength and vision of the team which has made this possible. It was what I needed and had lost hope of finding. All the love, see you next time.”
“It was one of the best weeks of my life. I wasn’t sure what to expect at all. To be amongst a group of women where all judgements are suspended is a truly powerful experience indeed. The experience & guidance from the facilitators was genuine, kind & so warm. Every woman needs to experience this.”
“An amazing event, beautifully and strongly held, that offered so many opportunities for connection, magic and love."
“It is a healing, naturing place in which you journey into yourself and, however broken you may feel, find something beautiful. You are so loved that it is impossible not to love yourself. It is sacred and special place that has changed my life-I love you all xxxxxxxx”
“WWR 2016 has been like a harp to my heart, making it sing and sing, filling my soul up with beautiful golden light until it overflowed into my entire body. I felt at one with the world and know that I’m still glowing inside and out. I know I am because I still feel it and others see it. Truly wonderful I am soooo looking forward to WWR 2017. Bless you ladies for making it happen. PERFECT xxx”
“The 2016 Retreat was amazing for me. I arrived Ms Self Doubt and Ms Emotionally Stunted and walked out feeling like tearing my clothes off and shouting “Yaaayyyy! I ROCK!” I cannot wait until next year to see my wonderful Sisters again and once more be held in a strong circle of love and friendship. I thank the Facilitators for a magical time of love, revelation, song, dance, wonderful food and lots of cake!”
“I left 2016’s retreat feeling pulled back together by love. I finally saw the face of the Goddess – I always though She’d be obviously ‘spiritual’, on an oracle card or a pagan statue or something society recognises as being religious. Instead I found Her in a circle of women laughing so hard I almost pissed myself.”
“2016 WWR………bloody WOW!!! I arrived tired, and unsure of the pathway, I left singing , energised and feeling so much love and kindness surrounding me, gaining many beautiful sisters who will continue to support from wherever they are. And best of all I found my pathway. Yahoo!!! I will rock the world. Roll on the next WWR. X X X X x”
“What a beautiful place and a beautiful space in which to meet and be with other women. You have all been an inspiration and a joy. It has been a privilege to be here.”
“Fabulous cake and healing – lots of interesting, gentle, strong women and I feel lighter and like anything is possible.”
” Every woman owes it to herself to come on a Wild Women’s Retreat – a safe, nurturing, laughing, crying, singing, dancing, meditating, journeying experience – find what you need, make connections, be more of who you are.”
“Thank you for creating a safe, open, welcoming space for such a diverse group of wild women. This weekend far surpassed my expectations and I feel as if I am just beginning to get to know all of the wonderful wild women here. Much love to you all!”
“What a weekend it’s been! A much looked forward to trip Glastonbury for #wildwomenretreats if you haven’t heard of them (although I want to keep it a secret!) Look them up and come along because you will be in for a right treat. I have found them to be truly life changing. Also that they are held in Glastonbury which also comes with its unique and wonderful schizz. So my cup is well and full and overflowing. So so grateful to have found this space and to have delved deeper into myself and come out the other side a changed woman. Powerful voodoo. Sitting in circle with women really is a fucking awesome.”
“It was a wonderful day – nurturing, professional, and gifting such special space for growth and for being. My first visit, but not my last. I still feel connected and hope to get to know you much better. Thanks for the offerings – I have taken courage and threads from them and whatever I have left behind no longer needs a name. Love to you all.”
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart all you amazing, magical women who organized yesterday’s event and led us on that journey. I went on a surprising spiritual journey of self-revelation which has made me see certain major aspects of my life in a completely new light. What’s more, I have been able to lay down the burden of fear that has been crippling me for too long. And all this in the company of strong, beautiful and compassionate sisters!”